Saturday, May 13, 2006

They lighten our days

A two year old and four year old girls heard their mother more than once say something like 'close the door before mosquitoes fill the house!' so once, they were playing in the background and their dad kept checking on them and doing something in the house, usually leaving the door open so he can hear them, but by mistake, he closed it once and when he came back out, the four year old said 'baba, you closed the door on us!'
Two year old: 'He thought we're mosquitoes!'

Same two and four year old were playing in a room while their aunt was praying.
Two year old to three year old: 'you farted!'
Four year old: 'no I didn't!'
Two year old: 'yes you did!'
Four year old: 'if I didn't, and you didn't, then it must me Aunt X!'

…Aunt X is praying.
Still praying.

A three year old girl and after her first day in school came back home and while playing with her dad screamed: 'baba! You're 7mar! (Donkey!)'

The father was so shocked that he just laughed because he knew she didn't mean it. It's one of three:
1. She didn't know what's a 7mar or donkey.
2. She love donkeys and it was only a way of showing her love.
3. She had an Egyptian teacher who told them calling someone a donkey in Egypt is a good thing.


Arabized said...


thats so funny and so cute.

I wasn't like that as a child, I had a crazy imagination. I was more like 'OMGGGGGG BE CAREFUL, YOU ALMOST FELL INTO A POOL OF LAVA!'

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