Monday, February 27, 2006

It's raining – Alain is the place to be!

It rained all over the UAE, but Alain people know how to celebrate and enjoy it like no one else. :D

Rain in Alain is different too because the weather is not as polluted, and Clouds, green of plants and sand dunes make such a nice picture. Rain in Alain is not grey from all the pollution and dust in Dubai, its clean!

Friday, as we were driving back from Dubai we passed by "7araka" and oh my. It was all covered with cars!! Everyone was outside! Everyone was going there, and there was traffic in Alain and not in front of private schools, no.

It was a rain festival.

They hold events there whenever it rains, so the police and 'ta7areyat' come and they arrange the cars and everything and guys get to "e5amsoon" in turn and all.

I took some pictures but they are not as good as the videos.

When I called my brother to make him feel bad about 'oh all the fun he is missing' he said that Dubai Marina is just perfect and talked about it and made me wish I was there.


Arabized said...

ohh the rain in al ain was awesome!!

It gave it a magical feeling.

i'd pick the desert any day :)

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!