Friday, February 24, 2006

Oh yo Bald guy!

My younger brother is getting so into Arabic poetry and reciting it, his Arabic teacher asked him once to show the other students how poetry should be recited; he went out and recited this:

يا صلعة لابي حفص ممردة
كأن ساحتها مرآة فولاذ
ترن تحت الأكف الواقعات به
ا حتى ترن بها أكناف بغداد

Which he memorized from satirical poetry and the guy is basically saying that your bald is like a mirror, and if I touch it the sound would echo all over Baghdad.

The teacher got mad at him; even though I don't think she should have because it's Arabic poetry!

My brother went on to tell her that 'it's Bin ElRomi' and to explain it to her… she still didn't let him say another one.

I found that he knows more than I do, which is basically nothing. He told me this one too:

يقتر عيسى على نفسه
و ليس بباق و لا خالد
فلو يستطيع لتقتيره
تنفس من منخر واحد

Which is that this guy is saying that the other guy is so cheap and greedy that if he could he would breathe from only one nose. (One side!)

(This will probably be my last post that includes arbic, it took me forever to write and edit it, and then I still couldn't do it the way it should be - two columns.)


BuJ said...

welcome to the club!
this is probably the best post i read on your blog.

i was taught this poem in grade 9 in school.. glad to see them still teaching it now :)

i love that poem.. ya sal3attan li abi 7afsin mummaradatun..

by the way, the word mummarada rougly translates to unsheathed, which is also used when a sword is removed from it's holster (or whatever holds it).

i hope this will be the first of many posts featuring arabic poetry.

BuJ said...

on a different note, this post would look good on the Arabic UAE Community Blog.. i have meant to invite u and biz but need an e-mail.. drop me a line if you're interested and i'll sort out the paperwork..

MJ said...

They are not teaching the poem, my brother just reads random books at home and he memorized it. He got yelled at when he recited it to the teacher.

You're welcome to post this on the arabic community blog. I also added an email, so you can email me to add me or whatever. Thanks. :)

3li said...

Your brother chose some intresting poems,.,. Nurture these choices, its a good thing he is learning poetry.

Arabized said...

i aspire to be like your younger brother, he recites poetry very very well. mashallah. he has a very strong voice.

I was dying laughing yesterday when he was to recite a poem, you think its going to be a great poem, but turned out to be a satire, hahaah. :D

MJ said...

3lo, Yeah he has all these dawaween in the library that he is reading, when sister gave him the books he opened 'el7eja'a' part first!

Yes. very strong voice. not like a walad elwadi.

I just think saying 'ya sal3atan!'

and pig latin is evil. esyay? ouyay hinktay osay? vileay ndaay unfay!

Arabized said...

haha no not like walad el wadi, but walad al jabal. :P

esyay, igpay atinlay siay vileay :)

BuJ said...

mashalla very nice bro u got.. ask him to get a nick and register!!! i want to see more arabic poetry! will invite him to the Arabic UAE CB as well..

Anonymous said...

thats soo funny,

MJ said...

>>mashalla very nice bro u got<<

tale3 3ala e'7teh! :D

Oh, he is 14! and if I asked him to start a blog, he would think 'what a waste of time' and would probably tell me something like 'IF you really want to know, then LISTEN to what i'm saying'

and welcome to the club Endo!

"Gentlemen, time to spread the word. And the word is... SLEEP!"